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Welcome home.

There is something intangibly beautiful about the early morning light that casts an anticipatory glow across the landscape. It's a time where the stars flirt with bird song, and when I feel most still. This is ironic because despite feeling still, I'm actually in motion - drenched in quiet moments on my commute to Woodbury.

I've been asked time and time again, "Don't you want to work somewhere closer to home?" I suppose this is a natural question, but it often startles me. You see, for me, its really quite simple. From the very first time my rattling vehicle turned into the dirt parking lot, and my eyes settled on the weathered red building, I felt home. It's the same slow, deep stir I feel when I encounter objects that hold history. Like the worn handle of an old, wooden spoon, Woodbury Elementary holds stories spun by generations. Whenever I lean against a wall, I can feel the support of all those who have come before. The building may have wooed me, but it was the rootedness in place - in community - that keeps me. Guiding children on their educational path is not only my passion, but it is also an expression of gratitude. I feel truly privileged to teach at Woodbury. With great anticipation, I look forward to another fruitful year filled with all of the same anticipatory wonder of the early morning light.

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